Sunday, November 8, 2009

Tea Infuser Evaluation

Capsule tea infuser with long handle:

1. Parts of the tea infuser that function well:
-The handle was very good for dunking 
-The holes in the infusor were a good size for allowing the right amount of tea to be infused into the hot water
-The infuser compartment is small so it can be submerged
-When the infuser compartment is picked up it strains well
-Stands up on its own
-Maximizes the amount of tea leaves diffused into the water
2. Parts of the tea infuser that could be improved upon:
-The compartment where the tea leaves go in was hard to open
-Not a very fun, quirky, or pleasurable design
3. What makes the tea experience enjoyable:
-You can dunk it
4. How would you design a tea infuser to enhance the whole tea experience:
-By making an infuser that is equally as functional as the one I experimented with, but my design would be a more interesting/pleasurable experience. I would also make sure the tea leaves can be placed in the compartment with ease

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